In today’s postmodern society, multiple opinions about morality abide. Some things that were once understood to be immoral are now being celebrated. Without a moral compass, culture is going to swallow up our kids.
How can we best direct our kids down the righteous path? Is there a best practice for instilling a biblical worldview?
How to Help Your Kids Navigate Today’s Immoral Culture
Too many Christian parents have been on a collision course between biblical ignorance and a culturally-induced desensitization to all things morally harmful. The result has produced a generation of offspring that has little to no moral compass, little to no respect for their parents, and, consequently, little to no respect for any other authority in their lives. All the while, they are acquiring an insatiable appetite for all things worldly.
These appetites often result in conflict as well as the emotional, behavioral, and spiritual problems so many Christian parents are having at home today. One key is modeling and teaching a biblical worldview, while requiring responsibility from Junior while he is still young.
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