LOCK INS – There’s a common activity among church youth groups called lock ins. Though this is supposed to be a chaperoned event, still, teens of both sexes spend the entire night within the confines of the same church-affiliated building–often a gymnasium. At the risk of sounding like a complete isolationist, I really think we Christian parents need to pause and consider the culture we now live in and how it’s effected the worldview and behavior of our Christian kids; and, then we need to reconsider, the wisdom in these events.
In light of the glaring statistics of sex by appointment, unwanted pregnancy, abortion and other sin and vice–issues that nobody seems to believe can happen with churched kids today–parents and pastors, alike, might consider planning more activities that don’t cause our kids to stumble into sin so readily and aren’t so poised to drain them of their spiritual defenses and moral wits.