Join Us in Bringing Hope and Healing to Families
License to Parent with Trace Embry is a listener supported radio ministry, with our parent ministry being Shepherd’s Hill Academy (SHA) school for troubled teens. Thanks to our generous supporters, we are able to help provide parents with practical insights to navigate the challenges their families face in today’s culture.
Financial Contributions
By financially supporting the radio ministry of License to Parent with Trace Embry, you are helping us provide hope and healing to families by expanding our message to additional radio stations. On the form, “Where did you hear about us” be sure to select License to Parent.
Give a Financial Gift of Support
Another Way to Give!
License to Parent is excited to announce an offer for Parents that is truly a gift that gives to the whole family! When you purchase a safe cellular phone from Gabb Wireless using PROMO code: SMARTERPHONE a portion of your order is donated to Shepherd’s Hill Academy & License to Parent!
Gabb Wireless offers a unique talk/text only device for children and teens that does not support social media, web browsing, and other unsafe apps. However, it is designed to look just like a typical smartphone. Discover how you can support our ministry with your purchase.
Fundraising Goals
Each year, the team at License to Parent partners with Shepherd’s Hill Academy to help meet their financial goals of helping families. You can help by partnering with the License to Parent team in our fundraising efforts for SHA.
Help Us Reach This Year’s Goal
Shepherd’s Hill Academy is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) ministry. All donations are tax-deductible.
Our Vision
Each team member at License to Parent shares a unified vision to bring transformation, not only to teens and families but to our entire culture as well. The team at License to Parent understands the times we live in and know what to do.
We believe cultural transformation begins with the individual. At License to Parent, our vision is to see individuals reconcile their relationship with God.
Before a culture can truly flourish, families must be restored to one another. By using God’s truth, our vision is to see true relational restoration within the family.
With a common moral standard, true cultural transformation can occur. Our vision is to see an American culture that truly reflects the love of Christ.