CONSISTENTLY, EFFECTIVELY TRAINING OUR KIDS TO DISOBEY – Have you ever allowed your son or daughter to argue with you–to the point of wearing you down and changing your mind; because, you just got too tired to stand your ground? Well occasionally changing your mind isn’t necessarily the unpardonable sin when your child respectfully expresses a position with a valid point. But, allowing your child to wear you down in an argument to change it comes awfully close.
Never allow a child of any age to argue with you to get what he wants. A respectful dialogue of opposing opinions is one thing; but, your weakness in arguing to the point of surrender will breed in your child an insecurity that will lead him to seek security elsewhere. If he knows he can wear you down to get his way, you have affectively, by precedent, trained him to do so. Train up a child in the way he should go, and start young.