Listen Now: Little Chick Struggle
LITTLE CHICK STRUGGLE – Have you ever seen how hard and long a newborn chick pecks at the egg shell around him to get free to the outside world? For many of us, our first inclination is to reach down and help that struggling little fledgling out of that nasty old egg shell. But, do you know what happens if you do? You increase the chance of it dying; because the chick needs the struggle on the inside the egg to make him strong enough to survive outside it.
Many parents make a similar mistake with their children. Thinking they have their child’s best interest in mind, they tend to want to bail their kids out of difficult circumstances that they would be better left to endure. Just like little chicks, sometimes our kids need to be allowed to go through the struggles and natural consequences of life so that they might be strong enough to endure them without breaking themselves.