Is it fair not to give your kids smartphones even if you use one?

Listen Now: Double Standard
How does the answer change your decisions?
Double Standard
I hear all the time, “Why can my kid not have a smartphone if I have one? Isn’t that hypocritical?” No, it is not. Your child is a dependent minor whose frontal lobe is not fully developed. And it won’t be until they’re 25. You however are fully grown. If you have a teen it means that you do have a fully developed frontal lobe.
The frontal lobe controls the cause-and-effect part of the brain. In other words, it helps a person make wise decisions. You wouldn’t let your child drink, smoke, chew, or run with those who do, would you? Being an adult, even our government recognizes that you have rights by virtue of your age that your children are still yet to enjoy. Because some double standards are just wise.
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