Teaching your children the importance of the value of different things, especially time, will help them on their journey to adulthood.
If the old saying is true and time is money, how are you teaching your kids about the value of time? Do they really know and understand what that saying means?
Valued Time
Do your kids really know and appreciate the value of different things? Sure they know the value of a smartphone or their favorite digital gadget or even money, but do they know the value of those intangible things, the things that will get them to and through adulthood. I am talking about things like love, relationships, and work. These things all have their own value and are often the key to the acquisition of money.
This is particularly true when it comes to time. As the old saying goes, time is money, so without making a narouses out of it from an early age, let’s challenge our kids by occasionally asking them if what they are engaged in at the time is really the best use of their time.
Photo via: Pixabay