Can your kids be addicted to technology?
Most definitely! And there’s a chemical involved.
A Chemical Addiction
If your child seems to be addicted to video games or the internet, know that about 10% of people, including kids, are predisposed to chemical addiction in one form or the other. And don’t think that technology addiction isn’t a chemical addiction.
The chemical is dopamine and it can very much so be triggered by Junior’s unfettered technology habits. The key is making sure that your child is regularly and properly engaging in healthy face-to-face connections with other people.
We see this happening at Shepherd’s Hill Academy all the time. Once tech-addicted kids find real-life interactions to be more satisfying and rewarding than screens and keyboards, their virtual appetites begin to become secondary to actual ones.
It may not be easy, but we parents have to initiate this.
Image from Canva Pro