No Christian will argue what good news the Gospel brings.
However, before you can understand the truth of God’s word, you need to understand what I discuss in today’s One Minute.
Before our kids can fully benefit from the Gospel, or the “good news,” they must first deal with the bad news. And, this doesn’t make you, or me, doomsday people for acknowledging it. Our world is a dangerous mess. Yet, we shouldn’t dwell on it too long before we repent and resolve our own love affairs with what our godless world mistakenly sees as true and beautiful.
God’s standards for truth and beauty can look vastly different from what we and our kids have acquired appetites for. So, when we keep hearing that everything and everyone are OK—especially from clergymen—just know that there are plenty of Scriptures that warn us against prophets and preachers who fail to speak the whole counsel of God.
Picture Provided by: leyla.a.