Say what must be said to that child lying in his bed.

Listen Now: Seuss' Truths
Dr. Seuss knew what he was talking about!
Seuss’ Truths
Are you afraid to speak hard but necessary words to your teen for fear of conflict or rejection? Jesus never shied from a hard word, especially to those he loved most. But he also didn’t have pop psychology and a politically correct culture to tell him otherwise. Sure, we must speak truth in love, and a gentle answer does turn away wrath, but love and gentleness are not mutually exclusive from being firm and direct.
If you speak directly with your kids from early childhood you won’t have to tailor every word with politically correct euphemisms during their teen years. In the words of that great theologian, Dr. Seuss, “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”
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