When we allow the symptoms of a disease to go untreated, we may find that smaller issues have turned into much bigger threats. The same is true for our culture.
As we continue to ignore problems with American culture, we begin to see that less noticeable problems build to create more complex problems throughout the entire system. Wise parents will try to treat the symptoms within their families or, better yet, attempt to keep them from occurring in the first place.
Why Parents Need to Recognize Problems in American Culture
It is my opinion that the rash of school shootings over the past two decades is tied more to our insane culture than it is to guns. In the early 60s, public school kids carried their own guns to school for target practice for crying out loud! What they didn’t have was smartphones, behavior meds, lewd music 24/7, and a postmodern culture that values feelings over logic.
We must limit the insanity our kids are exposed to lest they acquire their own versions of the appetites, habits, and addictions that plague today’s American masses. You might think I’m nuts, sure that your child could never spark an act like Parkland. I’m sure you are right, but what are we willing to risk just to keep our kids culturally vogue?
Picture Provided by: Thomson200 (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons