Lock Ins – We’d never send our kids out to spend the night with strangers, would we? Well, we do … as Trace Embry explains today on License to Parent.
A popular activity among church youth groups in recent years has been the all-night tea-toddling parties commonly known as Lock ins. But, have the pastors, youth workers, and parents who coordinate these events really considered the times we live in today? Chaperones aside, could allowing our kids to attend an all-night, smart phone laced, co-ed, and sleep-deprived extravaganza be setting them up for failure? Events that require the continuous consumption of energy drinks should be thought through carefully. Here’s something else to consider: Your kids may be interacting with other kids, and even some adults, that neither you, nor they, have ever met, or know anything about. So ask yourself this: Is the risk worth the reward?
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