Too many choices for your kids may negatively affect their future.
How does that work?
Early Addict
I was talking to a friend about a scene I had observed in a local restaurant one day. A parent was allowing his 4-year-old son to order off the menu for himself. A right that this child had obviously demanded routinely. My friend interrupted me to say, “You know, that is exactly what Billy used to do from childhood.” Today Billy is a 24-year-old heroin addict living with his parents.
Of course not every kid who is allowed to order off the menu now and then is going to grow up to be a heroin addict. However, when we routinely allow our kids to make too many choices they are likely to become entitled. This leads to unhealthy appetites and habits that can lead to addiction. So since even our kid’s appetites can be trained, why not train them well?
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