Along with recent science; these men, and others who endorse our Christian Parenting Podcast, have helped provide and confirm License to Parent’s insight and direction towards emotional, behavioral, and spiritual healing for today’s youth and family. Their belief in and support of License to Parent’s vision to transform families, as well as our culture, concurs with the biblical model for the Great Commission. We are honored and blessed to be partnering with them. Please see our complete list of Endorsers at the Shepherd’s Hill Academy website.

Doris Newcomb
WFAX Radio, Owner, Host, Manager
Doris Newcomb owned and managed the radio station, WFAX, in our Nation’s Capitol. She was also the Host of the radio program, “Main Street.” WFAX was on the air from 1948 to 2022 carrying the Gospel message. WFAX was a member of The Virginia Association of Broadcasters.

John Rosemond
Psychologist, Syndicated Parenting Columnist, Author
John Rosemond is a psychologist, family therapist, and a nationally known expert on parenting issues. John has authored 19 parenting books and writes a nationally syndicated column on parenting. In addition to speaking and writing, Rosemond serves on the board of directors for

Ken Ham
President/CEO and Founder of Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum
Ken is a native Australian, biblical apologist, renouned speaker and author, as well as the talent of the radio program Answers … with Ken Ham. He has received four honary doctrates from various universities for his contributions to the church.

Dr. David Barton
Founder and President of Wall Builders
Dr. David Barton is the Founder of Wallbuilders, an American evangelical Christian minister, a historian, and an author. He is an expert in American historical and constitutional issues, and serves as a consultant to U.S. Legislators. He has helped produce history textbooks used in schools across America.