Today, we are going to look back at the past couple of months and review License to Parent’s five most popular blog articles in 2018 so far. These blog articles cover topics such as evangelism, American culture, discipline, and the connection between parents and kids.

We hope that these blog articles will offer new insights for parents who are reading them for the first time and a fresh reminder for parents who may have read them in the past.
License to Parent Top 5: Our Most Popular Blog Articles in 2018 So Far
5: 1 Way to Help Kids Feel More Comfortable With Evangelism
How can parents help their children feel more comfortable with evangelism? In this post from March 2018, Trace Embry suggests that children take their cues on evangelism from their parents.
4: Does American Culture Prompt Us to Disregard or Respect the Elderly?
Do kids growing up in America today respect the elderly? In this blog article from back in June 2017, Trace Embry encourages parents to teach their children to value the wisdom of their elders.
3: How To Raise Wise Kids Despite Changing Moral Standards and Cultural Shifts
Does our culture provide adequate moral guidance for children? In our third most popular blog post so far in 2018, Trace Embry urges parents to equip their children with wisdom and a knowledge of Christian apologetics.
2: Can Discipline Lead to Hope For Hopeless Teenagers?
The sometimes unpleasant experience of discipline can bring about character growth. In this post from May 2018, Trace Embry explains how discipline can sometimes bring hope to hopeless teenagers.
1: Why It Is Important to Try to Keep Kids Connected to Biological Parents in the Midst of Divorce
Kids share a special connection to their biological parents. In our most popular blog article so far in 2018, Trace Embry considers the benefits of co-parenting and keeping kids engaged with their biological parents.
Picture provided by: Roman Kraft romankraft ( [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons