What difference would it make in the lives of teens today if their parents were empowered? Today we speak again with our friend Kimball Lewis as we discuss the role of parents in our children’s transformation.

Listen Now: The Role of the Parents with Kimball Lewis
Empowering Parents
If you missed Part I of our two-part series with Kimball Lewis, go back now and listen in.
As a parent today, do you feel stuck? Do you feel that your teen is continually rebelling against you and your spouse? Have you reached your wits end?
If you just aren’t sure what to do anymore or how to handle what’s going on in your home then this message is for you. Listen in as we discuss how to regain power in your home and experience healthy parent-teen interactions.
Discussing Practical Parenting with Kimball Lewis
Kimball Lewis is an executive who spent his career using research and technology to improve the lives of individuals and businesses. He began his career as a health, welfare and child policy researcher for a leading public policy think tank in Washington. He then served as a technologist and executive in his series of successful healthcare start-up businesses before joining empoweringparents.com.
Experiencing Change at Home
Episode Highlights:
- Do you find yourself arguing with your teen? Do you know why?
- Can parents simply “walk away” from an argument?
- What is training? Is this a good or bad thing?
- Discover the “why trap.”
- What power do words hold?
- What is self esteem? Is it really good for our kids?
Image from Canva