Many Christian parents want their kids to be involved in a variety of activities, to practice their natural abilities, and to grow and learn new things. After all, these are all good activities for growing boys and girls, right?
These activities are certainly good, but keep in mind that priorities matter. In putting a high priority on activities, performances, or learning, could you have accidentally constructed false idols for your children?
False Idols For Your Children
Is it possible that we can actually fuel our kids’ desire—for all intents and purposes—to worship other gods? Think about it. Between school, church activities, sports, television, Internet—and all the sports on television and on the Internet—among myriad other digital activities and entertainments, when do we actually promote or encourage our kids to carve out any time to keep the main thing the main thing?
Remember what an idol actually is: It’s really anything or anyone we give more admiration and importance to than God. Now surely God didn’t mean for us all to live in monasteries 24/7, but our first priority must be leaving enough margin and an overarching reverence for God in our lives.
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