Just because there are some YouTubers that have been successful does not mean that your kids will be.

Listen Now: YouTube Star
Consider the difference.
YouTube Star
The internet has given virtually every kid in America the dim hope of being a celebrity. And for what? For showing the world their dinner at the Olive Garden? Parents; please let us not lead our kids to believe that there is a future in getting the whole world to make them millionaires simply for having a heartbeat and fogging a mirror. Lets help our kids understand that success requires some kind of useful skill, some kind of talent. Something that genuinely benefits other human beings, and/or advances the human race as a whole.
Don’t be like those delusional parents on American Idol who are mad at the world because the world voted their darling offspring’s obvious lack of talent off the show. It’s a classic case of cognitive dissonance.
Image from Canva Pro