When is it appropriate to put your teen in a treatment program?

Listen Now: Tipping Point
This is a decision you do not want to rush.
The Last Resort
It may surprise you to learn that I usually encourage the parents of troubled teens to do their best to avoid putting their child into a residential treatment program. The reason? Money.
I’ve seen so many desperate folks pull from their home equity loans and tap into college, retirement, and trust funds just to make residential care possible for their child. And this doesn’t even include the humble requests they often make for church and family support.
But for many parents there comes a tipping point where things get so crazy that family counsel, pastoral counsel, professional therapy, and medication can all seem useless. That’s when therapeutic residential care may be the only option a parent can make.
Like heart surgery, nobody wants to go through it. But when successfully completed, they are happy they did.
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