While feelings play an important role in the way that a person sees and interacts with reality, these feelings do not physically change objective truth. While it may be difficult to separate subjective feelings and objective facts, we should resist the urge to let one take the place of the other.
So, while we should raise our kids to a place of healthy emotional understanding, we should also train them to understand and seek objective truth. This is especially important as our kids grow up with postmodern context.
How Scripture Prompts Us to Seek Objective Truth
Because of today’s proliferation of postmodern thinking, more and more people are airing their own feelings-based opinions. Fewer and fewer are taking pleasure in understanding objective truth.
Wise parents encourage their kids early on to learn, solve problems, and come to conclusions and decisions based on understanding the objective truth about things—not by mere feelings alone. Proverbs 18:2 says, “A fool finds no pleasure in understanding, but delights in airing his own opinions.”
So, don’t raise a fool and contribute to our society’s demise. Since a fool says in his heart, “There is no God,” a fool-proof way to not raise a fool is to model the God of Scripture to our kids.
Picture Provided by: pedroivo