PEACEMAKING VS PEACEKEEPING 2 – Are you a peacemaker or a peacekeeper when it comes to parenting? Trace Embry explains the difference today on License To Parent
The difference between peacemaking and peacekeeping is largely a matter of timing. A peacemaking parent will lovingly, but firmly, confront his child at every turn when it comes to sinful or self-destructive behavior. A peacekeeping parent, on the other hand, waits until long after the issues have festered into calamities. Peacekeeping only prolongs the inevitable disaster — all the while discrediting the parents in the eyes of their kids who see the delay as a sign of weakness. The Bible is clear: it says “blessed are the peacemakers,” and Jesus said, “I didn’t come to bring peace, but a sword”; yet He is referred to as the Prince of Peace. So be a peacemaking parent. It’s a sure way to earn your child’s love and respect.
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