Listen Now: Why Parents Should Put Down their Devices
Parents need to evaluate the possibility of putting down their electronic devices.
By this I mean to intentionally implement tech etiquette on themselves and their families.
Are you or your child an iSlave? An iSlave is someone yoked to digital devices and allows them to control their lives. Before answering, it may be wise to ask someone close to you; because the addict is usually the last to notice his/her own problem.
Galatians 5:1 says, “… Stand firm, then, and don’t let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.”
And this should include iSlavery. Because, if we really think about it, we’d be shocked at all that we’ve forfeited in life for the immediate pleasures our digital gadgets afford. Sadly, much of what we’ve lost is not only time with our kids, but a deep abiding relationship with the One True God.
Picture provided by: Graeme Paterson