All parents know that their lives change to some extent as soon as they have their first child. Suddenly, they have this beautiful new life to care for, love, raise, nurture, and teach.
But does this big life change mean that parents should suddenly change priorities and adjust what they consider the most important thing in life? Does elevating your children above God or your spouse actually benefit your kids at all?
How Kids Benefit When Parents Consider God The Most Important Thing in Life
Many parents tell me that their kids are the most important things in their lives. Am I then to assume that God and their spouse are vying for second?
My experience has been that parents who smother-love their kids—especially their teens—are very often struggling with their own deeper issues of need and co-dependence.
Should our kids really be the most important thing in our lives? Anything we put before God is an idol, and God cannot bless it. When God is number one in our lives, our ability to love our spouse and our kids becomes enhanced infinitely.
When kids see their parents put one another ahead of them, there is a security that rests within them that makes being third infinitely better than being a finite first.
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