When Christians fall does it weaken your faith? Does it strengthen your resolve to grow in it?

Listen Now: Let Down
In recent times there has been some very high profile Christian leaders who have been apparently caught doing some things that are more congruent with depravity than the kingdom of God.
Immunity to Sin
These things of course could be very detrimental to, not only the faith of our kids but to ours as well. They really merit conversations with our kids that assure them that these kinds of falls are nothing new among genuine believers.
It can also be a testimony to the sinful nature of man. No one is immune to some of the heinous sins imaginable. Not even God’s people.
David and Bathsheba is the Biblical example that always comes up. So God’s people messing up big time can either be crippling to our family’s faith or a sobering fuel that reignites it.
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