As parents, we need to be available to help kids solve problems. And while some situations may require a simple redirection, others offer an opportunity to teach valuable lessons.
Parents should try to be wise and creative as they help their children solve problems. When parents take the time to teach, it will help their children learn and develop skills for when they encounter similar issues in the future.
1 Example of How Parents Can Help Kids Solve Problems
If you have kids of any age, you have probably had the experience of dishing out your favorite dessert, only to have one of your kids say, “Hey, why did he get the biggest piece?” To solve a problem like this, consider using a little bit of King Solomon’s wisdom. Throw all of the treats back into the container they came from.
Then, let your kids decide who will dish out the treats. The oldest child usually gets the job, but it really doesn’t matter. Once everyone has decided who will dish out the treats, allow the youngest of the bunch to get the first choice. By doing this, your kids can never accuse you of favoritism; you will be teaching them problem-solving skills; and the servers will acquire precision skills in equity.
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