It seems odd that one of the most controversial statements one can make these days is, “Make America Great Again.” Shouldn’t the betterment of our country be a rallying cry that everyone can get behind?
Instead, what we’re seeing is that this phrase has somehow polarized the country. Those wearing clothing with the MAGA statement are viewed as racists, bigots, etc. and are immediate targets for hate. Just for wearing an article of clothing about making our country a better place.
The Polarizing Effect of Making America Great Again
Should our kids be ashamed, or even afraid, to utter or display the phrase, “Make America Great Again?” There’s no doubt that America’s greatness, past or present, can be viewed with subjective lenses because it was certainly greater for some people than for others. This is a subject where godly wisdom and insight is needed.
Though “Make America Great Again” is a statement that’s causing a deep divide within our nation’s citizenry, should it be? And, should this simple phrase be affecting the actual safety and reputation of our kids—as evidenced at Washington DC’s recent “March for Life” rally? For the next several days, I’ll be helping you help your kids with answers and insights into this very controversial phrase.Stay tuned.
Photo via: Pixabay