Why, when we know we are created in God’s image, would we fail to acknowledge that God can be angered, just like us? He is more complicated, and his feelings far deeper than ours will ever be.
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Just because God can be angered, however, doesn’t mean he is unloving.
The Truth About God’s Anger
We live in a time when our feelings are the final arbiters of truth, and anything that causes discomfort isn’t received very well anymore. Our kids are growing up hearing that even God—if he exists at all—never gets angry. We know that scripture and, everyday practical reality, speak a different story. Our kids need to understand and accept that.
There’s nothing evil or unloving about a God who can be angered. Psalm 7: 11 is just one of many verses that speak to this truth. It says, “God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses His wrath every day.” We do ourselves, our kids, and our world no favors when we fail to acknowledge this attribute of God.
Photo via: Pixabay