Your child’s foul mouth probably didn’t just start.

Listen Now: Foul Mouth
Give an inch and they will take a mile.
Wash His Mouth Out?
If you find that your child is using foul language in your presence it is likely because he’s been trained to believe that he can. In other words, it appears that somewhere along the line Junior has pushed the envelope with his language and received little to no correction or consequence for doing so. As a result, his parental respect or fear factor has diminished to the point that it now concerns you.
It is a little late to address this situation because a precedent has been set. The good news is that it’s not too late. If this is your situation, the first thing you must do is humble yourself and ask your child’s forgiveness for not nipping this situation in the bud. Then assure Junior that from now on a consequence will be imposed each and every time it happens.
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