I’ve noticed that some parents treat their kids as if they are their peers, and they scramble to make sure everything is “fair.” If dad gets ice cream Junior demands and gets ice cream too; if mom gets a new smartphone Junior demands and receives a new smartphone too.
![Why Parents Should Not Allow Kids to Feel Entitled to Adult Privileges [One Minute Feature]](https://licensetoparent.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/12/Child-playing-with-a-smartphone.jpg)
Allowing this behavior only makes children feel entitled to adult privileges. Parents must realize that some privileges must be withheld until their children are old enough and responsible enough to earn them.
Why Children are not Entitled to Adult Privileges
We hear a lot of negative talk about double standards. But are there times when double standards are appropriate? Sure there are! Especially when it comes to raising our kids. Our kids need to know they are kids and not adults.
Therefore, they need to be content with not enjoying all the rights and privileges of adulthood. Sure, when it comes to moral standards, parents want to set good examples by modeling appropriate behavior. But, as one quick example, I see parents who wouldn’t order a steak unless their kids could have one too. Kids need to see adulthood as something to aspire to—not as something to which they are already entitled.
Picture Provided by: Peggy und Marco Lachmann-Anke