It is important for parents to be fair and consistent when it comes to discipline. But committing to discipline and keeping up with consistent standards for behavior can be a lot of work.
Is all the fuss over discipline really worth all the effort? Well, if you want to raise children that will bring you much joy and comfort throughout your life, I would say that the answer is, “Yes!”
What Proverbs 29 Says About Committing to Discipline
I think that most parents would be pleased if their children brought them much comfort and delight. Well, Proverbs 29: 17 shares the following advice: “Correct your son, and he will give you comfort; He will also delight your soul.” Discipline can play an important part in raising children that generate more joy than grief in the lives of their parents.
Unfortunately, an alarming amount of moms and dads seem to think that keeping up with discipline is too burdensome. Many parents try to simply keep the peace instead of trying to make peace. Providing discipline for your kids from a young age is a loving action that can have a positive influence on your children and help them develop skills in self-discipline as they grow up. Committing to discipline now can help secure lasting comfort and delight for the whole family in the future.
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