Do you or your kids have a tendency to run to God when you think you need Him, but ignore Him when you think you don’t? In these situations we often see prayers go unanswered. People grow frustrated with God, and ask, “Why won’t He answer my prayers?”
Well, this is where we must understand一and make sure our kids understand一that blessings require obedience. If we want to see the fruit of a life lived in step with God, we must live in step with Him all the time一not just when it’s easy or convenient!
Why Parents Should Teach Their Children That Blessings Require Obedience
Do you think your children are aware that God desires to provide them with blessings? Have you heard them lament that their prayers go unanswered? Are we, the parents, often guilty of this as well?
Well, let’s look at it this way. If we give a pet a command, we do not reward it with a treat until it does as we have commanded. We definitely do not reward our pets for chewing up shoes and ruining carpets.
We should teach our children that this is an approximation of how God acts. If your kids want to live their lives like hell and expect to be rewarded with heaven, it might be time to share Proverbs 19:3, “A man’s own folly ruins his life; yet his heart rages against the Lord.”
Like the devil searches for people to devour, God seeks people to bless, but we must follow His commands. So for parents and kids, if we desire blessings, we must first learn to be obedient.
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