The Bible teaches us to view sex as a holy and intimate act reserved for those who have been united in marriage. Chances are, you do not see this biblical perspective on sex reflected in the people and culture around you.
Maybe all the confusion, pain and depravity that is so common in our hyper-sexual culture can be avoided if we get back to the basics and teach our kids about the act of holy intimacy that sex was created to be.
Biblical Perspective on Sex
Is it possible that all the sexual and gender confusion in America today is simply the logical outworking of a citizenry gone sexually depraved since the 1960s?
Not too long ago, our parents, and most of the world, used to urge teenagers to remain sexually pure before marriage. Today’s parents are now concerned about how their kids actually identify sexually, what actually constitutes a marriage, or if Junior be a groom or a bride when or if a marriage actually happens.
We’ve lost our minds in this country, because we’ve lost our biblical worldview. So, again, I’m urging you to at least bring back a sense of sanity to your home by training your kids in the time-tested way of the Lord.
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