BEAUTY IN MUSIC AND ART – When it comes to music, art, clothing, or other phenomena that require aesthetic value judgements, many parents, unfortunately, allow their kids, and themselves, to buy into the idea that beauty truly is in the eye of the beholder. But, wait a minute. What if what we think is beautiful, God thinks is ugly?
If I think songs that hale the virtues of suicide, self mutilation, illicit sex, and rebellion are all beautiful, are they really? If I see beauty in a painting that depicts the cross being dipped in urine; or, wear clothing that signifies an allegiance to the occult, a gang, or strip club, is that really beautiful? Beautiful is what God says is beautiful; and, parents would be wise to train their children to love what God loves and hate what God hates. Parents, allowing your child to acquire a taste for anything that grieves the heart of God can only result in less than a blessed life.