Music is a wonderful gift from God, and music of all kinds can glorify Him through its beauty, with its complexity, and in many other ways.

But this does not mean that parents shouldn’t be selective in what they allow their children to listen to. Parents must be aware that the devil can use music for his purposes. Though music is intended for good, it can be used for evil.
How the Devil Can Use Music to Glorify Evil
It has been said that the truly educated never really graduate. I have to say, however, that an article I read by David Daniels has only more deeply affirmed my belief in and understanding of the devil’s genius to deceive and destroy the masses through music, most particularly through the contemporary rock genre. This would certainly include hip-hop and in some cases even so-called “Christian” hip-hop. Because music is so deeply spiritual at its root, it would take volumes to share all that I’d like to share on this subject.
Wherever I may think I have a grasp on something, I am likely blinded in another area that others around me may see plainly. My primary encouragement to you is to never make “good” the enemy of “best”—particularly as it pertains to the things of God. Music was God’s invention and gift to mankind. I can think of no way to appreciate music better than to find, define, and enjoy its beauty and pleasure as God would—whether it’s worship music or simply music for our own enjoyment. When we enjoy good music, secular or otherwise, God is glorified. When we enjoy evil music or music that is associated with the antithesis of all that is true and appropriate, I believe it grieves the heart of God.
As you know, I would never say that all of any one genre of music is good or bad or demonic or saintly. Genre is man’s invention. God and the devil can work through any and all music. Proverbs 15:3 says, “The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” Proverbs 16:4 says, “The Lord works out everything for his own ends—even the wicked for a day of disaster.” In Scripture, God has worked, by His grace, to accomplish His ultimate holy ends. Likewise Satan, by his cunning, has done the same for his evil ends. God even used a donkey to rebuke Balaam, a true prophet of God, who was influenced by the devil to try to curse Israel.
I once had a college professor who said, “All people will eventually glorify God—some of us will go to hell for it.” If I’m going to bring glory to God, I want to be on the positive side of the equation. But one would have to be blind or deluded not to see that the devil has found a home in the secular hip-hop genre. This is different than saying all music labeled “hip-hop” is evil, but Satan has certainly accomplished more in that genre for evil than God has for good in that same genre. So many people—even in the secular hip-hop circles—would agree with me. Many in these circles would admit they are actually using hip-hop to serve themselves and/or the devil. If you want to know more about this subject, I suggest you listen to my interview with G. Craige Lewis, author of The Truth Behind Hip-Hop.
Read my continuation of this article here: Part 2 How Should Christians Think About Hip-Hop
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