Do you talk with your teen about what’s going on in the world? Many parents may not take the time to discuss our nation’s, or the world’s, current events with their children.
By doing so, we are neglecting important teachable lessons. I encourage you to talk with your teen about current events, and here’s how you can do so.
As our kids reach the teen years, we do them and our posterity justice by discussing social issues and asking their opinions on current events.
Current events have the potential to change your teen’s future.
This generation will be the next movers, shakers and policy makers that can either positively or negatively affect our nation’s future and ours.
It starts by engaging in healthy dialogue with our kids now. Engage in the kind of dialogue that can foster responsibility, maturity, one that stimulates a genuine sense of patriotism and develop a healthy concern for others. This allows them to fulfill the golden rule and live the abundant life.
Picture provided by: Sarah