Listen Now: Therapeutic Value of Outdoors for Your Family with John Hunt
This week on License to Parent with Trace Embry… We talk about the benefits of the great outdoors. Our hosts Trace Embry and Rich Roszel are joined this week by John Hunt, Founder and Executive Director of the Jason William Hunt Foundation, an organization that funds scholarships to therapeutic wilderness expeditions for teens. He is also the author of Walking With Jason, a book about his late wilderness-exploring son.
Questions/topics include:
- Why is the wilderness so therapeutic, especially to young people going through traumatic life experiences?
- What is “nature deficit disorder?”
- What are some lessons parents might miss teaching if the family spends too much time indoors?
- What might be expected on a wilderness expedition with the Jason William Hunt Foundation?
- Is there anything to be done for those of us who are just too busy to spend time in the wilderness?
You can learn more about John Hunt, his book, and the foundation at the Jason William Hunt Foundation website
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