Getting the best education for your kids involves much more than just book work. Education in an of itself offers knowledge. But is that really enough?
You’ve heard of the “school of hard knocks” but what about a different kind of education? Don’t become distracted by the allure of mere knowledge that we forget the godly qualities and promises of wisdom.
Beginning Of Wisdom
Parents certainly understand the importance of a great education for their kids. But all the education in the world won’t assure Junior the very thing that God felt important enough to procure from the very beginning, even before he even created the universe (according to Proverbs 8). It’s something God gives to everyone that genuinely asks for it. It assures that any education you do provide your child is the right education, yet it’s something many parents fail to impart to their kids, largely because it’s too often confused with mere knowledge and intelligence. Wisdom is a gift from God who uses scripture and the teachable moments of wise parents and mentors as vehicles through which wisdom is to be attained.
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