Rebuke: a sharp expression of disapproval or criticism.

Listen Now: Wise Rebuke
But is receiving rebuke good or bad? Find out!
Finding Wisdom in Rebuke
These days it seems that giving a rebuke is akin to committing an unpardonable sin. While receiving a rebuke, on the other hand, is the height in humiliation (even if it’s lifesaving).
This is classic post-modern thought that gives equal value to every opinion. It doesn’t even matter how crazy the opinion may be in God’s eyes!
The ability to receive a rebuke is a virtue. It’s a virtue that can be trained into our kids when we find ways to lovingly reward them when they receive them with good attitudes. It’s not a bribe, but an encouragement to be wise.
Proverbs 15:31 says, “He who listens to a life-giving rebuke will be at home among the wise.” Wisdom is a path to success and can often begin with how a rebuke is received.
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