Critical thinking is standing outside looking at the mountains, looking at the weather, you know, using your own sources to figure out what’s your reality and what’s not.
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In our culture today, smartphones and digital technology run the world and have begun running our minds. Where is the critical thinking in our children? Do you see that our kids are not using their minds anymore, why should they, it’s at their fingertips?
Crititcal Thinking
Critical thinking isn’t something that’s being driven, wedged into your mind from a computer. Critical thinking is standing outside looking at the mountains, looking at the weather, you know, using your own sources to figure out what’s your reality and what’s not, and our kids are losing that. And furthermore, aside from all the stuff being put into their minds, the very fact that they’re spending more waking hours per week than any other activity, including sleep, immersed in this hypnotic trance, you know, they’re not developing the ability to use their own mind correctly. Their mind is being used for them. In other words, as Niche said, instead of thinking they’re being thought. Meaning their thoughts are being controlled for them and they don’t know that’s happening.
Picture via: Pixabay