So many things can eat up our time if we let it. We must be very intentional about what those things are.
Does your job take it all out of you, and you don’t have time or energy to spend with your kids?
Time Allocation
Parents are always telling me their greatest challenge in raising their kids is that they’re wiped out, spent, and just worn out. Many times this exhaustion comes from the self-inflicted wounds of being busy trying to “have it all.” Some are workaholics. They chase the American dream until it is a nightmare, and they gauge success by how much money or stuff they have.
Way too much emphasis is put on financial success. Too often it negatively affects our health and our relationships with our family. Proverbs 23:4 says, “Don’t wear yourself out to get rich.” Let’s have the wisdom folks to show some restraint. There will always be more time to make a buck, but each passing day is one less day we have to impart wisdom into our kids while we cultivate a lifelong relationship with them.
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