There is much talk and debate about gender issues in our culture today. As our kids are growing up with these topics being discussed around them, they may need some guidance from their parents.
For example, parents may want to teach kids about gender pronouns in light of the debate surrounding them today. Let’s consider how we can approach this issue in a way that will, for the most part, satisfy everybody.
Can Parents Teach Kids About Gender Pronouns in a Way That Satisfies Everybody
The LGBT community’s demand that the rest of us use strange new pronouns has caused quite a stir lately. In New York, we must now learn 31 of them. So what do we teach our kids about this when we are personally convicted that only two legitimate gender pronouns exist?
Well, how about addressing the person by their proper name—or even the name they prefer to be called—and nothing else? The words “you” or “your” work for either gender—or, with respect to LGBT persons, any gender. With a third person reference, just stick to saying “this person” or “that person.” These are all appropriate terms and should satisfy all parties concerned—until we all get our sanity back.
Picture provided by: Mutxamel [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons