When you dreamed of starting a family, what did you imagine it would be like? A warm home with a big yard for children to play? Devotions and prayer every night before bed? Teenagers brought up to be so on fire for God that they forsake all temptations of this world?
Try as we might, these imaginings may not have played out as expected. What do you do if your kids aren’t on as narrow of a path as you’d like? You may find yourself wondering if you, as the parent, are to blame for your kid’s life choices.
Why Parents Can’t Force Kids on the Straight and Narrow
Never forget that our kids have their own minds to decide to do right or wrong. Know that over the course of their childhood, those minds are developing, which is why it’s so important to help them acquire healthy appetites in today’s sea of positive and negative stimuli options. Still, there’s no guarantee our kids will follow the narrow path.
When all the smoke clears, and our kids come of age, ultimately they will be responsible for their own attitudes, appetites, and actions. If they choose the wide path for life, we can’t feel guilty if we know we’ve obeyed God and raised them according to a biblical worldview. They will, ultimately, have to make the choice of the narrow path of their own accord.
Photo by: Nietjuh, via Pixabay