When we think about the role of a parent, there are certain things that moms and dads must provide for their children, such as: safety, food, shelter, love, support, etc. Unfortunately, some parents take this to the extreme and try to meet every single need or want their child has.
Parents must stop pampering kids like this. At some point kids must learn personal responsibility. If parents do not start giving reasonable amounts of responsibility to their children early on, they are asking for potential trouble down the line.
How Proverbs Teaches Parents to Stop Pampering Kids
Here is a hard word for parents who have been unwittingly grieving themselves and their children with self-inflicted wounds.
When we do things for our kids that they should be doing for themselves—like homework, laundry on demand, picking up and cleaning up after them, and repeatedly rescuing them from the natural consequences of their own willful rebellion and delinquency—we’re not loving our kids with their endgame in mind. We may be loving only ourselves, a scenario that often ends in grief to all parties concerned.
Proverbs 29:21 gives an example that readily applies to the parent-child relationship. “If a man pampers his servant from youth, he will bring grief in the end.”
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