When certain practices are common or convenient enough, people often overlook any horrible realities that may be associated with them. As time passes and attitudes change, we then look back at the trail of misery behind us and question how those who came before could have allowed such things.
Today, as it becomes a common practice to give kids free access to smartphones, perhaps we need to ask ourselves if we are standing by as our kids become slaves to digital devices. No matter how common and popular these devices become, parents must carefully consider the risks associated with them.
Why Parents Should Consider If Their Kids Are Becoming Slaves to Digital Devices
I cringed while watching a TV interview with a liberal guy who was calling some of our most cherished forefathers “scumbags” because they owned slaves. Now, I’m no fan of slavery, but I watched this knowing that American kids are being brainwashed by these same ideologies all the time—by tenured educators no less.
You have to wonder what future generations might call today’s garden-variety parent since many of us have allowed our kids to be virtually owned and enslaved by digital devices. I pray for the day when smartphones will be outlawed for minors—just like alcohol, tobacco, and gambling. Maybe, if we all rally now, our posterity won’t view us with a similar contempt.