Overlooking the Obvious – When you have an important job ahead of you, it helps to make a check-list, and I’m sure you’d agree that there are few jobs more important than parenting. But today on License to Parent, Trace Embry says the most important thing may not be on your list.
Parents will tap the ends of the universe to help make their kids happy and successful. They research the best schools, buy them the best cars their budget will allow, provide them fine homes, healthy meals and clothing that reflects the latest fashions. They even bring them to church and send them to camp, hoping to install all the attributes of a healthy human being. Yet despite our best intentions, we often fail to do what our kids need most, pray. How often have we forsaken infinite power and intelligence on behalf of our kids, for a new pair of Nikes. When we model and pray substance into our kids, the style will look that much better.
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