POSTMODERNISM – You’ve probably heard the term “postmodernism” before. But, what you have perhaps not heard, is just how important understanding this pervasive worldview is to your relationship with your child. Parents, without understanding the mechanics of a postmodern worldview, you are going into parenting with one hand behind your back. Don’t feel alone; because this describes most parents today.
Keep in mind, your child has no cognitive recollection of life beyond the Bill Clinton years–you know, our former president who did “you know what, you know where, with you know who” and then couldn’t define what the word “is” is. That’s postmodern thought at its finest. If I had to tell parents the most important thing to impart to their kids during their eighteen years, I would say imparting to them a biblical worldview; while, at the same time, helping them understand the tenets and fallacies of a postmodern worldview.