When we watch television or flip through a magazine, we see beautiful people staring back. With today’s constant over saturation of celebrities and movie stars, it can be easy to lose perspective on what it means to be beautiful.
Now, consider how hard it is for children, teens, and young adults to maintain a positive body image while comparing themselves to the celebrities they idolize.
Positive Body Image
Too often, the virtual worship of beautiful celebrities via mass media paralyzes today’s kids into being overly conscious about their own body image. In a world where junk food is so accessible and addictive this can be a great point of stress—especially for our teen girls. This is why it’s so important for our kids to find their identity in the God who created them.
Conversations about being comfortable in our own skin need to begin early on, as we nurture our kids through childhood. There’s nothing wrong with wanting a beautifully fit body, unless it’s for all the wrong reasons. Our kids should know that our bodies are temples for God and not cheap bait for trolling the lusts of others.
Picture Provided by: Ivan Obolensky