Unfortunately, we live in a world where people are discriminated against or stereotyped for a variety of reasons. While there have been some advancements in this area, discrimination based on a variety of racial or cultural factors still persists.
This is why parents should teach their children to persevere toward success despite the many prejudices of the present or past.
Why Teach Our Kids to Fight Stereotypes and Persevere Toward Success
Because virtually every ethnic group has skeletons in their historical closets, stereotypes have been developed about each of them. This includes your own.
But whether these stereotypes have any merit or not, they should have no bearing on what, or who, we or our kids are today. We can’t change the past, so let’s use a little wisdom here. We should neither apologize nor teach our kids to apologize for our race or ethnic backgrounds.
No doubt, some ethnic groups have an advantage over others in certain areas of life. But the reverse is true in other areas. This is different from privilege.
So, rather than making ethnicity an excuse for failure, let’s teach our kids to make it a challenge for success!
Picture Provided by: ummzakariyya