MEDICATION EVALUATION – Many children have ADHD, but while the symptoms vary, the prescription is often the same. Trace Embry explains today on License to Parent.
After years of working with teens and their families, I know that, without a doubt, way too many kids are being medicated today for mood and behavior disorders. Let’s be clear. I’m not against medications. I believe God has given humans the ability to create and use meds in ways that glorify both mankind and God. But Satan can pervert and abuse whatever God intends for good. Rarely have I seen a medication do for a child that which the appropriate outside stimuli couldn’t. I’m talking about the appropriate measures of time and love, prayer, nurture, training, and discipline – all of which contributes to one experiencing righteousness, peace, and joy, which the Apostle Paul calls the Kingdom of God. It’s what the Great Physician has ordered.
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