To keep your kids in line sometimes you have to throw your weight around.
But remember, a tirade forfeits credibility.
Being Right & Being Godly
You’ve heard the saying that “might doesn’t make right.” That’s true. A mighty tyrant is a terror to those under his authority. As parents, we can become mighty tyrants to our kids when we stray from the holy spirit and the standards of scripture for doing what’s right.
So it’s incredibly important for a strong parent to be right, as God sees right, in the first place. When we are, might is a tremendous asset when it comes to raising our kids. Our kids don’t want weak parents. They need and actually want the security of a strong parent; a mighty parent. But they want a parent who is under authority also.
No, might doesn’t make right. But for the parent who is right before God, might is definitely right.
Image from Pixabay